Group of doctors

Urgent Care & Family Medicine located in Davie, FL & Plantation, FL

Do you need a physical for work? If so, book an appointment at UrgentMed, an urgent care center with locations in Davies and Plantation, Florida. UrgentMed offers you enjoy easy scheduling, short wait times, and compassionate, comprehensive care. To schedule your visit, call or use the online booking tool today.

Work Physical Q & A

A work physical is any physical related to employment. Common types of work physicals include:

• Pre-employment physicals
• Department of Transportation (DOT) physicals
• Workers’ compensation physicals

One of the best places to receive a work physical is at an urgent care center like UrgentMed because they make it convenient and can work with your schedule. UrgentMed offers extended hours, short wait times, and walk-in visits.

Depending on the type of work physical you’ve scheduled, your doctor may run any number of tests.
In general, though, during a work physical, your doctor:

• Asks you about your health history
• Discusses your lifestyle choices, including diet and substance use
• Checks your vitals
• Performs a physical exam

If you need to gain or renew a commercial driver’s license, your doctor conducts tests related to vision, hernias, blood pressure, hearing, and diseases like diabetes. During this time, they also assess you for conditions that could put others at risk, like alcoholism.

Business Hours

Monday – Friday: 09:00 – 08:00
Saturday: 09:00 – 05:00
Sunday: 11:00 – 05:00

Call Today

(800) 275-9630

Davie Office

2337 S University Drive
Davie FL

Plantation Office

10199 Cleary Blvd
Plantation FL

Medical Walk-in Process

No Appointment Needed

An appointment is not required in order to receive care. For this reason, patients do not have to plan out when they can come in. Simply walk in and you’ll be seen.

Licensed Professionals

Urgent care physicians and nurses offer high-quality care. They are licensed and recognized as reputable members of the healthcare industry.

Cost Effective

The cost of seeing a physician at a medical immediate care facility will be much more affordable than seeing a physician in an emergency room.

Medical Walk-in Process

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